Join Totenlag
Membership Application (PDF)
Totenlag is an organization of people who came from or are descended from people who came from the Toten area of Norway.
Toten administrative district is composed of 3 kommuner:
Gjøvik - central town is Gjøvik
Østre Toten - central town is Lena
Vestre Toten - central town is Raufoss
Totenlag represents the entire are covered by the Toten administrative district.
While originally conceived of as a way to get together for people from the same area in Norway, (it was formed in 1910) the lag has evolved into a group with family ties to Toten and the main emphasis is on genealogy and fellowship.
Totenlag is one of seven Lags that have a yearly grand meeting (stevne). Quite naturally it is called the 7-Lag Stevne. All together, there are more than 30 Lags representing the people who come from many areas in Norway. There is an over encompassing organization called the Bygdelagenes Fellesraad
Membership entitles you to:
One hour of Lag genealogy research time with one of our Totenlag genealogists.
Four (or more) newsletters a year.
A three day annual Stevne with other people who came from or are descended from people who came from the Toten area. The Stevne includes fellowship, an opportunity to use the Lag's genealogy materials, programs and entertainment with a Norwegian flair and lots of time to make new friends. As an added bonus you may learn about cousins both in Norway and elsewhere and get valuable tips for visiting Norway from people who have been there.